Paul and I grew up in the same town but never crossed paths until spring of 2012 when we met at a local bible study. Never would I have imagined I would be meeting my future husband at the time, but the Lord quickly put it on our hearts that He had something in store for us together. Fast forward to July of 2014, we officially tied the knot. Soon after we got married, we moved to Manhattan to a one bedroom studio apartment. He worked as a CPA at Ernst and Young while I nannied for a beautiful family. I grew up in a rural town so when we dated, I always said I would never move with him to the city. To my surprise, that is exactly what I did, and absolutely fell in love with the place. Beauty found in an unsuspecting place. We stayed here for a while, and then I got a job as a first grade teacher at a private school, and we moved to Pennsylvania, where we now currently reside. We bought our first home in 2018, and it was then that we discovered our passion for all things home.

The process of making our home truly “ours” has been a long journey but what a satisfying experience it has been. Paul went from being a busy accountant to a meticulous woodworker, amazing home chef, and a truly aspiring DIY-er quite literally overnight. We soon found ourselves bonding over a glass of wine, creating mood boards of what we dreamed our new home would look like and the memories we would create in this space. When we are not head over heels with everyday life and home projects, you will find us in the kitchen, learning new techniques from our favorite chefs, creating a feast for the eyes.

Through building our home, we have gained a new-found love for not only design, but also what it means to live beautifully. We are truly learning to embrace our home journey – the before, the after, the messy in between, and what it means to love where we live wherever we are. Beauty is not just about the finished project, it’s about embracing the everyday, and finding joy in the perfectly imperfect. It’s the memories we create around a warm and tasteful meal. It can be be brought to life in a simple, yet thoughtful vignette. You don’t have to wait for your dream home to start living beautifully. Beauty is all around us and it’s up to us to make it come alive in our homes. With that being said, my dream for this blog is to be a place where I can share our pursuit to making life beautiful through our home projects, favorite recipes, and everyday family happenings. I hope you will stay for a while and join me for the ride!


Yours Truly,


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